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tier 1 mother tree

Tier 2 Mother Trees

Tier 3 mother trees

Select your Seed Tree Natural Area:
Select your tree species:

A common tree in the Wabanaki-Acadian forest, the Red Oak can grow up to 25m tall and live for over 250 years. It is native to the Island and produces acorns, an edible nut which is also an important food source for wildlife.

Available at:

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
  Canavoy Oaks NA  

IMPORTANT: Refer to the above map to ensure the tree species selected is present in your chosen natural area.

This coniferous tree is one of the longest-lived tree species in our native Wabanaki-Acadian forest, living up to 300 to 500 years and providing important habitat for wildlife.

Available at:

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
Culloden (North) Forested NA Caledonia Forest NA Buote Heritage Woods NA
Wendell M. Profitt Woodland NA MapleCross Hardwoods NA  

IMPORTANT: Refer to the above map to ensure the tree species selected is present in your chosen natural area.

An abundant and fast-growing deciduous tree that is prized for its bright red colored leaves in the fall. Red maple trees can live up to 150 years and are predicted to do well on PEI in projected climate change conditions.

Available at:

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
ALL ALL except Caledonia Forest NA ALL

IMPORTANT: Refer to the above map to ensure the tree species selected is present in your chosen natural area.

This deciduous species grows tall and slender in Acadian forests, reaching heights of over 23m and living up to 200 years. White ash can survive periodic flooding and its seeds are an important food source for birds.

Available at:

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
Acadian Marshes Percival River Salt Marsh NA    
Freeland Woodland NA    
 Mount Pleasant NA    

IMPORTANT: Refer to the above map to ensure the tree species selected is present in your chosen natural area.

A very tall growing and stately coniferous tree that can reach heights of over 35m, with a lifespan of 400 to 500 years. The silhouette of this tree can often be spotted rising above the forest canopy.

Available at:

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
Culloden Forested NA    Gillespie Woodland NA
     Jenkins Complex NA
     Kildare Forest NA

IMPORTANT: Refer to the above map to ensure the tree species selected is present in your chosen natural area.

The species tends to be found only in the western half of the Island and prefers to grow in rich and wet swampy areas or in calcareous soils. This slow-growing species can live up to 350 years of age.

Available at:

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
Freeland Woodland NA    
 Jean and Stewart MacKay NA    
 Milburn Cedar Forest NA    

IMPORTANT: Refer to the above map to ensure the tree species selected is present in your chosen natural area.

This species is among the tallest of the native birch trees, growing up to 25m tall and living up to 300 years. This hardwood species grows best in  moist rich soils.

Available at:

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
Culloden (North) Forested NA Caledonia Forest NA  
Culloden Forested NA Dunk River Hardwoods NA  Buote Heritage Woods NA
Eastern Kings Hardwoods Charnwood NA MapleCross Hardwoods NA  Jenkins Complex NA
George Saville Woodland NA Murray River Headwaters NA  
Malcolm McArthur 1899 NA    
Mount Pleasant NA    
North Lake Creek NA    
Peacewood NA    
Prowse NA    
Townshend Woodlot NA    
Wendell M. Profitt Woodland NA    

IMPORTANT: Refer to the above map to ensure the tree species selected is present in your chosen natural area.

A deciduous species that is known because of its byproduct, maple syrup, these trees grow well in shade and require deep, moist, and fertile soils.  Sugar maples are a climax species of the Wabanaki-Acadian forest, living between 150 to 300 years and reaching heights of up to 28m.

Available at:

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3
Bear River Riparian Zone NA Caledonia Forest NA Buote Heritage Woods NA
Culloden (North) Forested NA Dunk River Hardwoods NA  
Culloden Forested NA MapleCross Hardwoods NA  
Eastern Kings Hardwoods Charnwood NA Murray River Headwaters NA  
George Saville Woodland NA    
Jean and Stewart MacKay NA    
Malcolm McArthur 1899 NA    
 North Lake Creek NA    
Peacewood NA    
Prowse NA    
Townshend Woodlot NA    
Wendell M. Profitt Woodland NA    

IMPORTANT: Refer to the above map to ensure the tree species selected is present in your chosen natural area.

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